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This is a more detailed step by step tutorial for the young rose. It splits the video tutorial into individual phases for you to follow along with and help you draw the rose. This is a good way to see the evolution of the drawing in each of its phases. You can use this with my video to see how I do it. For this drawing you will ned a 2B or 3B pencil, or a pencil set, an eraser, an A4/A3 sheet of paper and a blending stub or tissue (or you can just use your finger).

Good Luck!

Step 1: Outline phase 1

To start with the outline first draw this shape. Start with the stem which consists of two curved lines, and then move onto the bud of the rose. This will look similar to grass in the way it is shaped. Draw in these small curved sharp shapes to creat ethe base of the rose.

Step 2: Outline phase 2

Next draw in the mine outline for the bud of the rose. Near the middle, draw the edges of the petal curving outwards, which begins the petal on the top. This is the edge of the petal curving outwards. This also begind the tip of the rose.

Step 7: Shading the the Right Leaf phase 1

To shade the leaf, it is similar to shading the stem. Start off by shading in the basic shapes and shades in the leaf. The right side will be the darkes area due to their being shadow. Also around the curves of the leaf. Once you have made the basic shades, use a blending tool to blend the shades in together and then use your eraser to create slight highlights in the shade.

Young Rose Tutorial

Step 4: Outline pase 4
Next, draw in the two petals underneath the main body of the rose. They will be in a curved triangular shape, similar to drawing spikes.
Step 3: Outline phase 3

Next draw in the remaining petals as shown, for the rest of the tip of the rose. In the centre you will have one petal curled up and the other petal will curve around it. The petals on the outside will be larger and more curved. Try to make your lines fluent and curved to make the petals look more natural.

Step 5: Outline phase 5

The next step is to draw the leaves. To draw the leaves first draw a small branch going slightly outwards from the main stem. Then draw in the outline of the leaf. Use a mixture of curved and straight lines. One will end in a tip and the other will be more curved. Remember to draw in the lines that overlap into the leaves (similar to folds). Watch the video or look at this drawing to get a general idea for shape.

Step 6: Shading the Stem

To begin shading the stem, start by adding the basic layers and shades you want to have throughout the stem. The top of the stem will be the darkest area and you will need to shade that in darker. The centre line of the stem will be the lightest part. After you have made your main shading shapes, blend it together using your assigned blending tool. Then, use an eraser to highlight the lightest elements of the stem.

Step 8: Shading the Right Leaf phase 2

Then add small, curved, black lines to create the veins of leaf. There will be many of them and they will be in a branching type pattern. Meaning it will grow from the top and get larger near the tip of the leaf.

Step 9: Shading the Left leaf 

To shade the left leaf, you pretty much have to do the same thing as the right leaf. The upper half of the leaf will have a darker shade than the rest of the leaf. Along the edges there will also be some light shading. In a similar fashion to before, create small, curved veins in an almost black shade. There will be many and they will be short. They will grow from the base to the tip of the leaf.

Step 10: Shading the Rose phase 1

Start off witht he two triangular petals at the bottom of the base of the rose. Make a gradient from the top of the curve to the tips of the petals and create a slight shadow under the right hand one. Use light lines to accentuate the curve of the triangular petals.

Step 11: Shading the Rose phase 2

To start shading the main bud of the rose, shade the small spikes that make the base of the rose. These will be an almost black shade and will be highlighted with a few areas of dark grey and grey.

Step 12: Shading the Rose phase 3

To start shading the actual bud of the rose, add small, dark lines in these areas shown in the picture. This is directly under the tip of the rose and just above the base. These will be the darkes areas since they receive the most shadows.

Step 13: Blending

Then, blend in the shades of the bud together, creating a gradient that runs towards the middle of the bud. There will be slight shadow under the curved petal in the middle of the bud. Use small black lnes to accentuate the darker areas even further, and make the bud of the rose look rounder.

Step 15: Final Outcome

This is the completed rose. The techniques learnt here should be applicable to any other drawing you do. I encourage you to keep on practicing with other visual references and check out my other tutorials if you liked this one. 


Step 14: Shading the tips of the petals

To shade the tips of the rose and the petals, start off by filing in the basic shades and the darkest areas. The darkest areas will be the shadows near and around the centre of the petals. Use a very fine eraser to create the very tiny highlights seen in the curves of the petals. Using a small, dark pencil, create small, dark, curved lines to make the petals look rounder.

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