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This is a more detailed step by step tutorial for the mouth smiling. It splits the video tutorial into individual phases for you to follow along with and help you draw the mouth smiling. This is a good way to see the evolution of the drawing in each of its phases. You can use this with my video to see how I do it. For this drawing you will ned a 2B or 3B pencil, or a pencil set, an eraser, an A4/A3 sheet of paper and a blending stub or tissue (or you can just use your finger).

Good Luck!

Step 1: Outline phase 1

To start the outline, first draw a small 'v' like shape. then on the tips of the 'v' curve outwards. On the left it will curve into the corner of the mouth and then curve back round to the other side. The top part of the mouth (the 'm' like shape) should be the same size.

Step 2: Outline phase 2

The next step for the outline, is to draw the lower line and then draw in the teeth. The lower line of the gap of the mouth, will curve in a similar fashion to the upper line. To draw in the teeth, they are longer, hexagonal shapes rather than rectangular. Tha small gaps between the teeth represents the gums. The two biggest teeth will be under the top of the mouth.

Step 7: Shading the upper lip phase 1

To start shading the upper lip, first add in the basic shades, using only line. The borders of the lips will be the darkest areas. 

Mouth Smiling Tutorial

Step 4: Shading the Teeth phase 1

To start shading in the teeth, start with the gaps inbetween. Shade them completely black. 

Step 3: Outline phase 3

The next phase is to draw in the lower lip. It will curve around the line just below the teeth. It will curve in a similar fashion and it will also meet at the corners of the mouth.

Step 5: Shading the Teeth phase 2
After you have done this, add the basic shades for the teeth, just using lines. Remember the teeth will be a very light shade in comparison with
the lips.
Step 6: Shading the Teeth phase 3

Using a blending stub, tissue, or just your finger, blend in the shades very lightly. If you get a darker shade first, then what you are going to want to do, is use an eraser to make the shades lighter. The light will be shining from the right, so the shadows on the teeth will be on the left.

Step 8: Shading the upper lip phase 2
Now using your blending tool, blend in the shades lightly enough so that all shades are still distinct . Use lines to create the curve of the lip.
Step 9: Shading the upper lip phase 3

Use an eraser to create the small white highlights in the shading and use the blending stub to blend in and create any new shades to give the lips more depth.

Step 10: Shading the bottom lip phase 1

To shade the lower lip, start by adding a dark shadow on the bottom part of the lip. This will creat a strong border as well. Then, just below the teeth, add a lighter shade of grey that goes around the mouth. This shade will get darker at the corners of the mouth.

Step 11: Shading the bottom lip phase 2

Once you have finished the primary shading, add small, black, curved lines in two layers on the lower lip. 

Step 12: Blending and Highlighting

Then, using your blending stub, blend in the shades and the lines into each toher. And once that is finished, use an eraser to create some highlights in a similar, small and curved fashion.

Step 13: Final Outcome

Finally, add some more small black lines around the same highlights to bring out the highlights even more and give the lower lip more depth. This is the final outcome for the drawing. I encourage you to keep practicing these techniques and also look at my other tutorials.

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Photos and Videos by: Sophia Singh

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