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This is a more detailed step by step tutorial for the dragon claw. It splits the video tutorial into individual phases for you to follow along with and help you draw the claw. This is a good way to see the evolution of the drawing in each of its phases. You can use this with my video to see how I do it. For this drawing you will ned a 2B or 3B pencil, or a pencil set, an eraser, an A4/A3 sheet of paper and a blending stub or tissue (or you can just use your finger).

Good Luck!

Step 1: Outline phase 1

For the outline, first draw this start off with a diagonal line (top line seen here) with a bump on it near the start, going down form right to left. Then draw in the first finger. Add in three small curves to show the finger bending. For the second finger, add only one small curve below the claw. Outline the other areas gently to get the proportion and shape right.

Step 2: Outline phase 2

The next step for the outline is to draw in the tear the third finger and add a small curve leading from that curve to the thumb. Draw in the extra lines that will help guide the shading. The lines are close together near the top, to show the angle the hand is in. 

Step 7: Third finger

To shade the third finger, use the same techniques along the guidelines and curves of the hand. The upper area of the hand should have dark grey lines, and should create a small gradient coming off of it. You can use a blending tool to do this. 

Dragon Claw Tutorial

Step 4: First Finger

To start shading the first finger Use small dark lines and go around the guidelines I tod you to draw earlier. Leave the other areas white or a vrey light grey. 

Step 3: Outline phase 3

The next step is to add in the last finger. Draw in the rest of the wrist as well, and the appropriate guidelines to help guide the shading for later. Make sure all the claw are long, sharp and similar in shape. They need to curve slightly, in the smae direction as the finger

Step 5: First finger + Top of hand

To finish the first finger add in some more lines around the edge of the guidelines, and make the claw have a dark border, but have one line white to go through it to highlight it and make it look more curved and realistic. Start ot add shading around the wrist areas and the upper area of the hand. These lines should be long and curved.

Step 6: Second finger

To start shading the second finger, start from the corner areas. Use dark lines to create a fan/triangle shape by using numerous dark strokes, similar to the technique seen in how to draw a dragon eye. Make the claw have white highlight and the curves should use curved, dark strokes. Leave some areas white for contrast.

Step 8: Wrist + Central Hand

To shade the central hand, start off with tiny dark strokes that get bigger as you go from left to right. Use curved lines to give the hand a realistic 3D look. make the corner areas darker and create a small gradient from dark to light as you go out. Use curved lines along the guidelines drawn in earlier for the wrist. Use the blending stub after wards to make the wrist look round and realistic.

Step 9: : Last finger

Use the same techniques for the previous fingers for the last one. Make the lines small and dark and go along the guidelines. The lines should be curved and smooth to give the fingers and the hand in general, a realistic 3D look. Start from the corners to make darker areas. For the claw, use dark lines through the left side, but leave white highlights on either side of the dark shades in the centre. 

Step 10: Final Outcome

This is the completed drawing of the dragon claw. The techniques learnt here should be applicable to any other drawing you do. I encourage you to keep on practicing with other visual references and check out my other tutorials if you liked this one. 

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Photos and Videos by: Sophia Singh

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