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This is a more detailed step by step tutorial for the side view of the face. It splits the video tutorial into individual phases for you to follow along with and help you draw the side of the face. This is a good way to see the evolution of the drawing in each of its phases. You can use this with my video to see how I do it. For this drawing you will ned a 2B or 3B pencil, or a pencil set, an eraser, an A4/A3 sheet of paper and a blending stub or tissue (or you can just use your finger).

Good Luck!

Step 2: Outline phase 2: Eye

For the next step of the outline, draw this sideview of the eye, near the bridge of the nose. To do this make a triangle that has a curved line near the bridge. Then draw an oval to indicate the iris and the pupil. It will not be a circle because of the angle of view. Then draw the eyelashes in a similar style as before but smaller. They will be long on the right and left, and reasonably shorter in the middle. Draw a light reflection in the left and right sides of the iris and then add small black lines for shading and detail.

Step 7: Shading phase 2

Using your assigned blending tool, shade in the areas and blend them together creating a relatively dark shade. These areas will be the darkest areas shading wise, apart from the hair.

Side of the Face Tutorial

Step 4: Outline phase 4: Hair

Using sketchy, dark lines, create the outline of the hair. It can be any style you want, this is just a simple way of showing the hair. Try and make the hair more fluid and more natural. Used curved and wavy lines for long and fluent hair. For short hair use sharper lines. At the tips of the hair you will want to keep it sharp looking.

Step 3: Outline phase 3: Eye closer look

Here is a closer look of the eye. Once you have finished the details and small highlights of the eye, use a blending stub or tissue or finger to create the darker shades around the edges of the eye. There will be lighter area in the middle of the eye. 

Step 5: Eyebrow

For the eyebrow you want to use short and sharp lines in a curved fashion to create the eyebrows. The eyebrows will go into the eyelashes slightly when it gets nearer to the bridge.

Step 6: Shading phase 1

To start shading, start with the darkes areas. First use thick and dark lines to create a deeper nostril. Then using a 2B or 3B pencil, roughly shade in the areas shown hear. These areas will have the most shadows. There will be shadows just under the hair, and in the edges of the nostril and the length of the nose. Just under the nostril there will be slight shadows as well.

Step 8: Shading phase 3
Then using your assigned blending tool, create a gradient of shade in the main areas of the face. directly under the eye you will notice there is a dark area in a triangular, stripy format. This is to show the eyelid under the eye and the dip under the eye. Using a small and fine eraser, create sharp highlights give the area under the eye more depth. 
Step 9: Shading phase 4

Once you have done this, Shade the areas under the hair, and the main part of the forehead. Try to create a gradient going from dark to light when shading away from the dark areas. Leave the right side of the face mostly white to show the light shining on the face. 

Step 10: Final Outcome

To finish off, use dark, long and thick lines to shade in the hair and create the individual strands. You can use a blending stub after this to blend it together further or you can leave it with the indivual lines as i have done. If you use a blending stube, I recommend trying to create different shades, and then creating highlights with an eraser that runs along the hair. Once this is complete, the drawing is finished! I encourage you to keep practicing and watching my other tutorials! 

Step 1: Outline phase 1

To start off the outline, I recommend you start with the forehead. Do a slight curve and the curve back in to form the bridge of the nose. Then draw a straight, diagonal line outwards, that will be just slightly ahead of the forehead. Draw a small curve inwards, that will end in a small, almost horizontal line. Then draw a small curve downwards to indicate the rest of the face. Draw a small curved line to indicate the nostril and the side of the nose. 

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