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This is a more detailed step by step tutorial for the side profile of a female face with a venetian mask adornment. It splits the video tutorial into individual phases for you to follow along with and help you draw the face. This is a good way to see the evolution of the drawing in each of its phases. You can use this with my video to see how I do it.  For this drawing you will ned a 2B or 3B pencil, or a pencil set, an eraser, an A4/A3 sheet of paper and a blending stub or tissue (or you can just use your finger).

Good Luck!

Step 1: Outline phase 1

For the outline, first draw this oval like shape using a light line. Then draw the two central lines to help guide the drawing of the outline of the details and the shape of the face. Using a darker pencil, start to draw the outline of the shape. Notice the nose sticks out and the indentations of the lips on the outline of the face. 

Step 2: Outline phase 2

The next step to drawing the outline is adding in the mask and the nose detail. To draw the nose detail use a curved line, similar to a reversed 'c'. Then curve the line inwards to create a nostril as depicted. Then follow the outline of the face to draw the mask. Notice how the central lines on the oval shape, indicate the place ment of the eye holes on the mask as well as the pointed pinnacle shape on the forehead of the mask. 

Step 7: Shading the Eye

To shade the eye, make the pupil completely black. Make the eyelashes long above the pupil and curve to the right at the tip of the eye. Create smaller eyelashes, using small curved lines, right below the eye, leaving a small gap. Then using a blending tool, shade the outer areas of the eye as well as the eye itself. Remember to create a contrast between dark gray and light grey and use an eraser for highlights. The mask will have a dark outline as it creates a slight shadow.

Woman w/Venetian Mask Tutorial

Step 4: Mask adornment

The next step is to start drawing in the adornment of the mask. This is the small feathers in the top left and bottom left of the mask as well as the fluff on the side. The feathers are straight and pointed shapes. The feathers on the top follow hair line. There is one small curvey strand of hair from the tip of the nose, down to below the chin. The hair on the right side is also starting to be detailed.

Step 3: Outline phase 3

The next step for the outline is to draw in the eye and the lips. For the eye, draw a traingular like shape using curved lines. Draw the pupil and the iris on the flatter side of the ye as well as one small light reflection. To indicate the eyelid and the tear gland, draw a small shape above and below the ye as indicated. To draw the lips, start with a small v on the upper lips. Notice the left side has a smaller line on the v. Then draw a diagonal smooth line towards the tip of the mouth, which is directly below the edge of the eye. Then draw the curved lower lip in response to this. Draw the line of hair to indicate how much of the face and neck will be seen. 

Step 5: Hair

The hair design is very intricate as can be seen in the picture. Start from the top and work your way down and make sure the main strands of hair can be seen. Use curved, light lines to give the hair shape and keep it rough.

Step 6: Mask Detail

The next step is to design the mask. Several designs for masks can be found on the internet if you do not like the design shown here. Keep the design simple, as well as fluid and curved. Most venetian masks have a simple but fluid design, similar to music notes floating along a music sheet. Remember when copying a design to take into account the shape and perspective, in which we see the mask. 

Step 8: Shading the Nose and the Lips
To begin shading the nose, create the tip of the nose dark as well as the nostril and the curve. Try to create a small gradient leading outwards from the curve and towards the mask in a triangular shape. Notice the nostril is a 'n' shape and not an oval shape. To shade the lips, create a dark outline and make the bottom lips darker than the upper lips. Use an eraser to create small highlights for the indentations of the lip.
Step 9: Shading the Face

Using a blending tool, and a 3B pencil (recommended, not required) shade in the face as shown here. Create shadows directly beneath the lips and on the line of the hair as well as createing a gradient on the chin, and jaw line, as well as on the hair line, in towards the cheek. Keep the area under the mask the lightest to give the face depth. 

Step 10: Shading the Neck and the Forehead

To shade the neck, create a strong shadow underneath the face and running along the neck line and some of the hair line. Then create a gradient to give the neck depth. The forehead will be mostly dark as it is receiving alot of shadow form the hair. 

Step 11: Shading the Mask and Hair

Use a dark outline to redraw and bring out the mask. Then shade in lightly around the eye, along the line of the nose and along the forhead. The hair will be mostly dark as it has a lot of shadow form the head, but there are small highlights which can be created using a small, thin eraser. Also shade in the beaded necklace using small curves of gradient to create spherical shapes.

Step 12: Shading the Mask Adornment

Make the feathers mostly dark, almost black so it stands out from the face. Use sharp, dark, long, curved lines to create the fluff. Make the lines go slowly outwards. A better demonstration of this can be seen on my video tutorial. 

Step 13: Shading the Hair phase 1

To shade the hair create small dark lines that follow the strands of hairs' shape and then use a blending stub to shade in the shole shape. The hair should be divided into these individual 'strands' or 'shapes' to show the bunches of hair. Create small highlights using an eraser. Make the outline of the hair dark so it stands out. 

Step 15: Shading the Hair phase 2

Continue this pattern for the rest of the hair. Remember to create a contrast so some strands or bunches of hair are darker than others to give the hair better shape. Also try and create a gradient of shade when you can. You can see patterns in the shading of the hair. 

Step 16: Shading the Hair phase 3

Continue shading the hair in a similar fashion. Notice the hair will get darker as you go down as it is receiving more shadow. Remember to create the contrast and the gradient as well as individual dark lines for further depth. The video tutorial gives a good example of how this works.

Step 17: Final Outcome

This is the completed face. The techniques learned here should be applicable to different drawings and drawing styles. The style for shading the hair is applicable to all styles of hair being drawn. I encourage you to keep on practicing as well as trying something similar using different visual references. You can check out my other tutorials by navigating through the other tabs. Thanks for watching, and I hope this helped! 

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Photos and Videos by: Sophia Singh

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